[ 1999 |
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Without Shame XX Raven's Blue, Amatae Adea, Nostrum, Wayd, Varsó
25.12.2004, Butterfly Club - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Šialený Santa vol.665 Cerebral Turbulency, Nocturnal Devotion, Astarot, Eternal Bleeding, Byc
18.12.2004, Papuca - Banská Bystrica (SK) [ Libi ]
A Winter Solstice Ev3 Orkrist, Ethereal Pandemonium, Snovonne, Tears Aside
18.12.2004, Babylon - Bratislava (SK) [ Darkoldus ]
Without Christmass Party 2004 Fonops, Perversity, Infer, The Crypt
11.12.2004, Butterfly - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
X-mass Festival Marduk, Napalm Death, Finntrol, Vader, Black Dahlia Murder, Belphegor
9.12.2004, KZ Domovina - Praha (CZ) [ jimi ]
The End, Transmission0, Made By The Fire
28.11.2004, Black Pes - Praha-Klánovice (CZ) [ Golo ]
Souls To Deny Festival Suffocation, Sanatorium, Perversity, Typhoid, Craniotomy, Dehonest, Eternal Bleeding
27.11.2004, Stará Pekáren - Nitra (SK) [ Dáša ]
Pungent Stench, Behemoth, Hypnos
24.11.2004, Klub Matrix - Praha (CZ) [ Golo ]
Rage, Dead Soul Tribe
23.11.2004, Babylon - Bratislava (SK) [ Dáša ]
Shaman, Kotipelto, Dragonforce, Salamandra, Krleš, Power 5
20.11.2004, Športová hala - Martin (SK) [ StYkO, Meluzína ]
The Dillinger Escape Plan, Poison The Well, Burst, Hotch Potch, Fresnel
15.11.2004, Planet Music - Vieden (AT) [ Golo ]
Butterfly Inferno Gagas, Moonfog, Eternal Bleeding, Infinite Dolorism
13.11.2004, Butterfly - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Therion, Tristania, Trail of Tears
6.11.2004, Planet Music - Vieden (AT) [ Darkoldus ]
Samael (CH), Flowing Tears (GER), Dark Gamballe (CZ)
1.11.2004, Fléda - Brno (CZ) [ Tomáš, Darkoldus ]
Atelier Grind Night redruM, Thorwald, Cruent Stercuraro
29.10.2004, Atelier Café - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Beheaded (MAL), Prejudice (BEL), Squash Bowels (PL), Godless Truth (CZ), Smashed Face (CZ), Re-Intoxication (CZ)
26.10.2004, RC Brooklyn - Brno (CZ) [ Tomáš ]
Dusk (PAK), Dying Passion (CZ)
24.10.2004, Music Pub Beseda - Brno (CZ) [ Tomáš ]
Mortiis, Susperia, Alchemist, Textures, Dusk
20.10.2004, Abaton - Praha (CZ) [ Golo ]
Antitrend VIII. Melancholy Pessimism, Pigsty, Mincing Fury And Guttural Clamour Of Queer Decay, Craniotomy, Internal Hate, Dissolution
16.10.2004, RC Brooklyn - Brno (CZ) [ Tomáš ]
Indigofest 2004 Marián Varga, Naamah, In Memory, Persona Non Grata
16.10.2004, KD Opatov - Praha (CZ) [ Golo ]
Without Shame XVIII. Spade, Redrum, Editor, Lunatic Gods
9.10.2004, Butterfly - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Gorgoroth, 1349
6.10.2004, Stará pekáren - Nitra (SK) [ Dod, Darkoldus ]
Gorgoroth, 1349
5.10.2004, Black Pes - Praha-Klánovice (CZ) [ Golo ]
Neglected Fields, Absurd Conflict, Scenery
28.9.2004, MV Club - Brno (CZ) [ Tomáš ]
Ingrowing, Ahumado Granujo, Infinite Dolorism, Ancestral Volkhves
25.9.2004, klub Maxam - Stropkov (SK) [ Martin ]
25.9.2004, T-Mobile Arena - Praha (CZ) [ Golo ]
Thunderstorm Over Europe Tour 2004 Benediction (UK), Godhate (SWE), Nominon (SWE), Sanatorium (SK), Deflorace (CZ)
24.9.2004, Art Klub - Trnava (SK), 20.00 [ Darkoldus ]
Crematory, Bladflowerz, Sunterra, Einlass
23.09.2004, Planet Music - Vieden (AT) [ Darkoldus ]
Without Shame XVII Neglected Fields, Scenery, Draco Hypnalis, Nostrum
20.9.2004, Butterfly - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Danny Cavanagh, Sean Rooney
18.9.2004, RC Mlyn - Vrútky (SK) [ Thorn ]
Threshold, Dead Soul Tribe
14.9.2004, Stará pekáren - Nitra (SK) [ Dáša ]
Sardonic, Wayd, Gagas, Fonops
11.9.2004, Harleywood - Liptovský Mikuláš (SK) [ Tomáš ]
Arcturus, Sin Of Kain, Bornholm, Vortex
1.9.2004, Klub A38 - Budapešt (HUN) [ Golo ]
Brutal Assault vol. 9 From Beyond, Nocturnal Devotion, Barracuda, Torment, Ingrowing, R.E.T., Pathology Stench, Dying Passion, Dead Infection, Darzamat, Cannibal Corpse, Dark Gamballe, Melancholy Pessimism, F.O.B., Deaf 99, Utopia, Sacrosanctum, Deflorace, Galadriel, Smashed Face, Rites Of Undeath, Bed Sores, Melissa, Poppy Seed Grinder, Beltaine, Abortion, Livores Mortis, Sanatorium, Ador Dorath, Jack Slater, Depresy, Root, Sear Bliss, Cerebral Turbulency, Immortal Tears, Antistar Co., Demolition, Euthanasia, Nobody, Sun Has Cancer, Darkside, Martyrium Christi, Wayd, Lunatic Gods, Colp, Lex Talionis, Endless, Gride, Neglected Fields, Graveworm, Misery Index, Impaled Nazarene, Godless Truth, Sungate
5.-7.8.2004, Hvozd u Konice (CZ) [ 1.den (štvrtok), 2.den (piatok), 3.den (sobota) ]
Without Shame Open Air 2004 Shit Of The Piss, Sedona, Amatae Adea, Timshel, Wayd, Gate, Raven's Blue, Pozor Sxod, Domino Efekt, Hs 23, Punkreas, Cruent Stercuraro, Podme Do Práce, Pros & Cons, Nostrum
24.-25.7.2004, Peklo - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Open Hell Festival 2004 Törr (CZ), Root(CZ), Skyforger (LAT), Detonation (HOL), Watain (SWE), Delirium Tremens (GER), Magus Noctum (SLO), Depresy (SK), Moriorr (CZ), Casketgarden (HUN), Bloody Sign (FRA), Zarathustra (GER), Tesstimony (HUN), Repent (GER), Martyrium Christi(CZ), Avenger(CZ), Scenery(CZ), Antares(SK), Adultery(CZ), Dark Storm(CZ), Elite(Nor), Tortharry (CZ), Fleshless (CZ), Death Sentence (CZ), Asgard (CZ), Mater Monstifera (CZ), Ebola Joy (CZ)
23.-24.7.2004, Volyne (CZ) [ Dax ]
Obscene Extreme 2004 Piatok, 9.7.: Deformed, Mincing Fury And Guttural Clamour Of Queer Decay, Fleshgore, Sufferage, Detrimentum, Gutted, Psychofagist, Mindflair, Wasteform, Fleshless, Birdflesh, Brodequin, Extreme Noise Terror, Blood, Gronibard, Screaming Afterbirth, Insane Assholes, Bloody Diarrhoea Sobota 10.7.: Lahar, Grobar, Warscars, Despise, Antigama, Poppy Seed Grinder, Amputated, Abortion, Cliteater, Godless Truth, Requiem, Embalming Theatre, Emeth, Prostitute Disfigurement, Resurrected, Gride, Rompeprop, Butcher ABC, Natron, Uncurbed, Squash Bowels, General Surgery, Le Scrawl, Despondency, Coma, Pigsty, Škoda 120
8.-10.7.2004, Trutnov - Na Bojišti (CZ) [ Martin, Golo ]
Masters Of Rock 2004 SK Vindex (SK), Apple Juice (CZ), E!E (CZ), Kurtizány z 25. avenue (CZ), KJU: (GER), Divokej Bill (CZ), Arakain (CZ), Tri Sestry (CZ), Europe (SWE), Stratovarius (FIN), Žirafa (CZ), Fleret (CZ), Grexabat (SK), Brouci (SK), Kiss Forever Band (HUN), Vypsaná Fixa (CZ), Wouhout (CZ), Olympic (CZ), Desmod (SK), Pink Cream 69 (GER), The 69 Eyes (FIN), Helloween (GER), In Extremo (GER)
2.-3.7.2004, Slnecné jazerá - Senec (SK) [ Darkoldus ]
Alice Cooper, Brides of Destruction, Firestorm
23.6.2004, Bank Austria Halle/Gasometer - Vieden (AT) [ Dáša ]
More//Than//Fest 2004 Fest, Power 5, Dementor, Grexabat, Midnight Scream, Lunatic Gods, Kiju (ITA), Arakain, Freedom Call (GER), Destruction (GER), Eeriness (SCH), Abyss (POL), Iron Maiden Revival, Popolnica, Mäso, Dead Poets Society, Baron Blade, Galadriel, Patologicum (POL), Liquid Boogie Roll, Cruel, Sungate, Anathorn, Trakt, Hecate, Shaark, Dark Clouds (HUN), Depresy, Deep Star Six, Pathology Stench, Antares, Seven, Master (USA/CZ), Labyrinth (ITA), Lost Horizon (SWE), Vanitas (AT), Glorion, Ozzy Osbourne Revival, Vindex, Wayd, Nemesis, Fleshgore (UA), Locomotive, Tristana, Editor, Doomed, Craniotomy, Gaz 69, Nostrum, Moonfog, Majster Kat
18.-19.6.2004, amfiteáter - Martin (SK) [ Darkoldus ]
Testament, Lunatic Gods
14.6.2004, Klub Kozel Pub - Martin (SK) [ Krajo ]
Testament, Root
13.6.2004, klub Golem - Zlín (CZ) [ Dáša ]
Without Shame Festival XV. Ravenclaw, Bloodhunt, Depresy
12.6.2004, Butterfly - Košice (SK) [ Rasto ]
Suffocation, Dementor, Insision, Disgorge, Godless Truth, Imperial Foeticide
12.6.2004, Abaton - Praha (CZ) [ Golo ]
Anathema, Silent Stream Of Godless Elegy, Animé
9.6.2004, Fléda - Brno (CZ) [ Thorn ]
1. Košická rocková noc U.D.O., Crystal Ball, Majesty
23.5.2004, GeS-klub - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Jethro Tull
23.5.2004, Incheba - Bratislava (SK) [ Dáša ]
Positive Bastards, Officer Down, Locast Style
21.5.2004, Butterfly - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Benediction, Master, Crimson Massacre, Mantas
19.5.2004, Black Pes - Praha (CZ) [ Golo ]
WAYD, Casketgarden, Protest, Draco Hypnalis, Dysanchely
8.5.2004, Art Club (bývalé Calipso) - Trnava (SK), 19.00 [ Andy ]
Dead Soul Tribe
28.4.2004, Duna - Bratislava (SK) [ Dáša ]
Without Shame Festival XIII. Slowtorn, Obliterate, Wayd, Insania
24.4.2004, Butterfly - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Depresy, Galadriel (krst CD), Morgain (krst CD), Casketgarden
23.4.2004, Babylon - Bratislava (SK) [ Dáša ]
Mayhem, Manatark, Defiled, Sorath
20.4.2004, Abaton - Praha (CZ) [ Golo ]
Eye For An Eye Fest vol. I Spade, St.Black, Affront, Pros And Cons
17.4. 2004, Butterfly - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Flesh Party 7 Disgorge (MEX), Mindsnare (ITA), C.O.S. (ITA), Sanatorium (SK), Corrupted Melody (SK), Torment (SK)
10.4.2004, kino Osveta - Leopoldov (SK), 19.00, 199Sk [ Andy ]
Noise Fest Gen 26, Sušipank, OvO (ITA), Par nobile fratrum, Man Manly, Shitoba (SK), Amper-O-Mat (CZ), Dzuro Iz Druge Galaksije, Ventolin Orchestra, Urbsounds, Justice Yeldham And The Dynamic Ribbon Device, Lain, Neptune, Sikhara, MK9, Minimal Bastard, Pero-fotar
9.-10.4.2004, Klub Gromka - Ljubljana (SLO) [ Míra ]
Pro-pain, Ektomorf, Dark Day Dungeon, Locomotive, Saprophyte
6.4.2004, Divadlo Stoka - Bratislava (SK) [ Darkoldus ]
Edguy, Brainstorm, Nocturnal Rites
4.4.2004, PKO - Nitra (SK) [ Cyrdo ]
Headway Progressive Rock And Metal Festival 2004 sobota: Xenobia, Textures, Mister Kite, Anand Mahangoe (guitar clinic), Death Machine, Laberinto, Watchtower nedela: Karma, Anand, Biomechanical, Barend Courbois (bass clinic), Ephel Duath, Ice Age, Sieges Even
3.-4.4.2004, P60 - Amstelveen (HOL) [ Dáša ]
Voice of Carnix Tour Sacrist, From Beyond, Ebola Joy, Beltaine, Livores Mortis
3.4.2004, klub Pancor - Praha (CZ) [ Dax ]
No Mercy Festival Cannibal Corpse, Hypocrisy, Kataklysm, Carpathian Forest, Vomitory, Exhumed, Spawn Of Possession, Esoteric, Insanity Reigns Supreme, Lost Soul, Depresy, Godless Truth, Fleshless, Inner Fear, Poppy Seed Grinder
2.4.2004, Abaton - Praha (CZ) [ Golo ]
European Pussy Off-Road Waco Jesus (USA), Isacaarum (CZ), Mortal Infected, Legion Of The Doomed Lands, Cad
29.3.2004, Aligator pub - Bratislava (SK), 18.00, 190Sk [ Dáša, Darkoldus ]
Without Shame Festival XII. Cruent Stercuraro, Nostrum, Infer
27.3. 2004, Butterfly - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Shaark, Depresy, Master
27.3.2004, Galéria Duna - Bratislava (SK) [ Thorn, Darkoldus ]
European Pussy Off-Road Waco Jesus, Isacaarum, N.C.C., !T.O.O.H.!
24.3.2004, Black Pes - Praha-Klánovice (CZ) [ Golo ]
Brainwashing Act. 10 Cales, Shaark, Tesstimony, Tisíc let od ráje, Like Fool, Antares
20.3.2004, KD - Jablonica (SK) [ Dáša ]
Vader, Hypnos, Deflorace, Sanatorium, Symphony of Destruction
18.3.2004, Stará pekáren - Nitra (SK) [ Dax ]
Metalmania 2004 Soulfly, Moonspell, Morbid Angel, Arakain, Enslaved, Krisiun, Decapitated
14.3.2004, Hala Novesta - Zlín (CZ) [ Golo,
Darkoldus ]
12.3.2004, Rockový klub Tuba - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Davová psychóza, Princovia
4.3.2004, Butterfly - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Dead Infection, Deflorace, Sanatorium, Surgical Dissection, Typhoid
22.2. 2004, MKS Papuca - Banská Bystrica (SK), 17.00 [ Libi ]
Uriah Heep, Brouci
22.2.2004, stará športová hala - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Macabre, Cephalic Carnage, Brutus, Pigsty
15.2. 2004, Black Pes - Praha-Klánovice (CZ) [ Golo ]
Anathema, Green Carnation, Amplifier, Corruption
31.1.2004, TV Studio Krzemionki - Krakow (PL) [ Marián Tóth ]
Avenger, Sorath, Rites Of Undeath
31.1. 2004, Black Pes - Praha-Klánovice (CZ) [ Golo ]
Dream Theater
29.1. 2004, Le Zenith - Paríž (FR) [ Martin Hloška ]
Imperial Foeticide, Despise, F.O.B.
22.1.2004, klub Pancor - Praha (CZ) [ Golo ]
Dream Theater
17.1. 2004, Hammersmith - Londýn (GB) [ Brano Kóša ]
Hate Eternal, Dying Fetus, Deeds Of Flesh, Prejudice, Destroying Divinity
16.1.2004, Black Pes - Praha-Klánovice (CZ) [ Golo ]
[ 1999 |
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