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Hellawaits, Gazdasgrind, Protest
13.12.2008, Queens pub - Púchov (SK) [ Michal (reportáž čitateľa incipitum.sk) ]
Dusk Around Us vol. III Depresy, Fonops, Symetria, Demonoid Virtue
13.12.2008, V-klub - Prešov (SK) [ Pandovit (reportáž čitateľa incipitum.sk) ]
OROS (ping-pong gore-grind, BA), Suburban Terrorist (death core, BelUSA), Attack of Rage (grind core animals, BN), Mortally Infected (murderous insanity, BA), Dehonest (death metal, NR)
12.12.2008, Obluda Klub - Bratislava (SK) [ blcha (reportáž čitateľa incipitum.sk) ]
Saphonath fest 4. Flag, Cafilery, Poppy Seed Grinder, Isacaarum
29.11.2008, IMC - Nové Zámky (SK) [ blcha (reportáž čitateľa incipitum.sk) ]
Tofu evening !Úl (CZ), Edda (PL), Fantaghiro (SK)
7.12.2008, Intergalaktická Obluda - Bratislava (SK) [ Tomáš ]
Winter Master Of Rock Chaos in Head (CZ), Scared To Death (GER), Kiuas (FIN), Debauchery (GER), Eldritch (ITA), Firewind (GRE), Destruction (GER), Gamma Ray (GER), Lordi (FIN)
29.11.2008, Novesta - Zlín (CZ) [ Jeremy ]
Wayd, Törr
28.11.2008, Colloseum - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Dead Vows (SWE), Mitch Buchannon (SK), Drifted Shadows (SK)
23.11.2008, Intergalaktická obluda - Bratislava (SK) [ Tomáš ]
Cryptopsy (CAN), Beneath The Massacre (CAN), Ignominious Incarceration (UK), Trigger The Bloodshed (UK)
19.11.2008, Favál - Brno (CZ) [ Reef ]
Eastern Death Fest Invasion Of Madness, Andeathonium, Diftery, Slytract (HU)
14.11.2008, Collosseum - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Peccamen Primus Saltus, Ethereal Pandemonium, Infer, Perversity, Sacred God
18.10.2008, Insomnia - Prešov (SK) [ Pandovit (reportáž čitateľa incipitum.sk) ]
When Autumn Storms Come Tour 2008 Draco Hypnalis, Martyrium Christi, Impact
18.10.2008, Colloseum - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Ragnarök's Aaskereia Festival Tour Týr (FAR), Alestorm (GB), Hollenthon (AUT), Svartsot (DK), Gwydion (POR)
17.10.2008, Szene - Viedeň (AT) [ ľadový medveď ]
Negura Bunget, Galadriel, Vesna
15.10.2008, Randal club - Bratislava (SK) [ Darkoldus ]
Nominon (SWE), Holy Moses (GER), Benediction (GB), Contempt (SK)
10.10.2008, Colloseum - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Mizar, Epitome
28.9.2008, Khoi-Khoi - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
April Bias, Fading Tomorrow, Obliterate, Zubrowska
21.9.2008, Colloseum - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
17.9.2008, V-klub - Prešov (SK) [ Martin ]
Summer Slaughter Tour 2008 - Europe edition The Berzerker, Born Of Osiris, Abigail Williams, As Blood Runs Black, Suicide Silence
11.09.2008, Arena - Viedeň (AT) [ Alex ]
PRO-PAIN, X-Core, Kapybara, Sin Dick 8
20.8.2008, Martys Club - České Budejovice (CZ) [ Pali (reportáž čitateľa incipitum.sk) ]
Šariš rock fest 2008 Hate Crowd, Robo Šimko & Massriot, Krypton, Gagas, Velvet Stone, Pussy Buster, Tubul, Wildwings, Kiss Forever Band
15.8.2006, Sabinov (SK) [ Jeremy ]
Brutal Assault 2008
štvrtok 14.08.2008: Suffocate Bastard, Mindwork, Inveracity, Gloomy Grim, Rasta, Beheaded, Sadist, General Surgery, Hollenthon, Samael, Septicflesh, Exodus, Finntroll, Mayhem, Textures, Harmony Bay
piatok 15.08.2008: Psychotic Despair, Tisíc let od ráje, Warbringer, Grenouer, Debustrol, A Storm of Light, Eths, Novembre, All Shall Perish, Cephalic Carnage, Sworn Enemy, The Berzerker, Swallow the Sun, Despised Icon, Soilwork, Primordial, Entombed, Behemoth, Anathema, Cradle of Filth, Neurosis, 1349, Cephalic Carnage, Malignant Tumour
sobota 16.08.2008: Attack of Rage, Wayd, Uprise, Imperious Malevolence, Jig Ai, Locomotive, Kruger, Illidiance, Arkona, Hour of Penance, Ador Dorath, Hate, Code, Zubrowska, Kataklysm, Sebkha-Chott, Sodom, Arch Enemy, Agnostic Front, Paradise Lost, Carcass, Six Feet Under, Esoteric, Hell Show
14.-16.8.2008, Vojenská pevnost Josefov - Jaroměř (CZ) [ Martin / Alex: 1. deň, 2. deň, 3. deň ]
Sonic Youth (na festivale Les Escales)
9.8.2008, prístav Saint-Nazaire (FR) [ Tomáš ]
Masters Of Rock 2008
štvrtok 10.07.2008: Rattle Bucket (CZ) , Doga (CZ), Sirenia (Nor) , Korpiklaani (Fin), Ministry (USA), DEF LEPPARD (UK), AVANTASIA (Int.)
piatok 11.07.2008: Komunální Odpad (CZ), Totální Nasazení (CZ), Jaksi Taksi (CZ) , Dying Passion (CZ), Dark Gamballe (CZ), Fourever (Swe), Engel (Swe), The Sorrow (Aut), Haggard (Ger), Sabaton (Swe), ANNIHILATOR (Can), OOMPH! (Ger), Moonspell (P)
sobota 12.07.2008: Existence (CZ), Salamandra (CZ), KJU: (Ger), Alestorm (UK), Horkýže Slíže (SK), Stormwarrior (Ger), Tristania (Nor), Brainstorm (Ger), Arakain + Plzeňská Filharmonie (CZ), AMON AMARTH (Swe), APOCALYPTICA (Fin), My Dying Bride (UK)
nedeľa 13.07.2008: Power 5 (CZ), E!E (CZ), Endless (CZ), Nil (CZ), Bloodbound (Swe) , Communic (Nor), Volbeat (Den), Gotthard (Swi), SONATA ARCTICA (Fin), WITHIN TEMPTATION (Nl), Die Apokalyptischen Reiter (Ger)
10.-13.7.2008, Areál likérky Rudolf Jelínek - Vizovice (CZ) [ Jeremy: 1. deň, 2. deň, 3. deň, 4. deň ]
Obscene Extreme Fest 2008
10.7. 2008 (štvrtok): Intro Show - DJ Dejvy, Freak Cabaret made by Hell, Macabre Minstrels
11.7.2008 (piatok): Poppy Seed Grinder, Rubufaso Mukufo, Jesus Crost, Ass to Mouth, Keitzer, Pulmonary Fibrosis, Fucksaw, Disturbance Project, Cerebral Turbulency, Malignant Tumour, Flagitious Idiosyncrasy in the Dilapidation, Excrementory Grindfuckers, Mesrine, Splitter, Putrid Pile, Cock and Ball Torture, Regurgitate, Agathocles, Demonical, Isacaarum, Speck, Androphagous, Sakatat
12.7.2008 (sobota): Death Toll 80K, Demented Retarded, Anal Penetration, Dr. Doom, Rectal Smegma, Pyorrhoea, Gonorrhoea Pussy, Namek, Reth, Discarga, Blood I Bleed, Dead Beyond Buried, Voetsek, Lahar, Dead, Gride, Benighted, Entrails Massacre, Pisschrist, Le Scrawl, Impaled Nazarene, Macabre, Extreme Noise Terror, Alehammer, Abortion, Entropic Degrade Behind Phylogeny
10.-12.7.2008, Na Bojišti - Trutnov (CZ) [ blcha (reportáž čitateľa incipitum.sk) ]
Metalcamp 2008
piatok, 4.7.: Artas, Penitenziagite, October File, Wintersun, Six Feet Under, Carcass, In Flames, In Extremo, Heaven Shall Burn, Staub Und Schatten
sobota, 5.7.: Mercenary, Legion Of The Damned, Finntroll, Meshuggah, Apocalyptica, Iced Earth, Amon Amarth, Celtic Frost, The Sorrow, Perishing Mankind
nedeľa, 6.7.: Brainstorm, Korpiklaani, Behemoth, Helloween, Opeth, Ministry, Evergrey, Hacride, Herfst
pondelok, 7.7.: Nightmare, Misery Speaks, Mystic Prophecy, Sahg, Rage, Soilwork, Morbid Angel
utorok, 8.7.: Biomechanical, Onslaught, Volbeat, Eluveitie, Subway To Sally, Arch Enemy
3.-9.7.2008, Tolmin (SLO) [ Ivan: 1. a 2. deň, 3., 4. a 5. deň ]
30.6.2008, Randal klub - Bratislava (SK) [ Golo ]
26.6.2008, Rock Café - Praha (CZ) [ Tomáš ]
Meshuggah (SWE), The Dillinger Escape Plan (USA), Between the Buried and Me (USA)
25.6.2008, Roxy - Praha (CZ) [ Tomáš ]
Western Pussy Lovers vol. 1 Diftery, Mortally Infected, Eternal Bleeding, Waking the Cadaver
23.6.2008, Randal - Bratislava (SK) [ blcha (reportáž čitateľa incipitum.sk) ]
Antitrend & Bizarre Leprous Festival IV. Condemned (USA), Splattered Mermaids (SWE), Cerebral Turbulency (CZ), Pigsty (CZ), Mincing Fury And Guttural Clamour Of Queer Decay (CZ), Saywhy? (CZ), Craniotomy (SK), Psychotic Despair (CZ), Škoda 120 (CZ), Opitz (CZ), Spineless Fuckers (CZ), D.E.O.A.G (CZ), Victims (CZ), Babayaba (CZ), Anaalia (CZ)
14.6.2008, Žabčice u Brna (CZ) [ Tomáš ]
14.6.2008, Colloseum - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
The Cavalera Conspiracy, Konflikt
10.6.2008, Interhala Pasienky - Bratislava (SK) [ Jeremy ]
Inactive Messiah (GRE), Devian (SWE), Septicflesh (GRE), Vader (PL)
3.6.2008, Colloseum - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Metallica, Machine Head, Mnemic
3.6.2008, Stadion Slavia - Praha (CZ) [ Jeremy ]
Demonoid Virtue, Hate Myself, Sanatorium
24.5.2008, Colloseum - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Perunica Fest III. Butterfly Temple, Radogost, Saltus, Žrec
23.5.2008, r.c.naOZZaY - Nitra (SK) [ Darkoldus ]
Made By The Fire, Neĝero, Universal Young Musician, Human Steak, Průmyslová smrt
16.5.2008, zámek - Polná u Jihlavy (CZ) [ Tomáš ]
Colloseum Mosh Party Astarot, Cortribe, Adacta
16.5.2008, Colloseum - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
10.5.2008, Orlovňa - SKALICA (SK) [ Darkoldus ]
Apocalyptic Doom Festival vol.1 Saturnus, Mar De Grises, Hecate
3.5.2008, Art Klub - Trnava (SK) [ Darkoldus ]
30.4.2008, RC Brooklyn - Brno (CZ) [ Tomáš ]
Masterstroke, Manticora, Jon Oliva's Pain
29.4. 2008, Planet Music - Viedeň (AT) [ Jeremy ]
Hrom Records 2008/Ante Portas Tour Perversity, Dysanchely, Wayd, Lunatic Gods, Obliterate
19.4.2008, Colloseum - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Ephel Duath, Seeds Of Sorrow, Harmony Bay, Smashed Face
13.4.2008, Favál - Brno (CZ) [ Tomáš ]
Paganfest 2008 Ensiferum, Korpiklaani, Moonsorrow, Tyr, Eluveitie, Salvator
12.4.2008, Planet Music - Viedeň (AT) [ Darkoldus ]
11.4.2008, Koloseum - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Trap Them (USA), Victims (SWE), The Ocean (GER), Rotten Sound (FIN)
1.4.2008, Klub 77 - Banská Bystrica (SK) [ Martin ]
Turisas, Norther
26.03.2008, Randal Club - Bratislava (SK) [ Darkoldus ]
Antitrend Party vol. 20 Distorted Impalement (AUT), Spineless Fuckers (CZ), Critical Madness (CZ), Anaalia (CZ)
17.3.2008, RC Brooklyn - Brno (CZ) [ Tomáš ]
The Dillinger Escape Plan, Poison The Well, Stolen Babies
9.3.2008, Rock Café - Praha (CZ) [ Reef ]
Metalmania 2008 Helpness, Six Degrees Of Separation, Drone, Törr, Mortal Sin, Evile, OverKill, Rage, Megadeth
7.3.2008, Novesta - Zlín (CZ) [ Jeremy ]
Obituary - Xecutioner´s Return Tour 2008 Obituary, Holy Moses, Avatar
28.1.2008, Abaton - Praha (CZ) [ Bizzaremifo (reportáž čitateľa incipitum.sk) ]
Obstacles (DK/SWE), Macgyver (CZ), La Prospérité (CZ)
25.1.2008, Yacht - Brno (CZ) [ Tomáš ]
Napalm Death, Ingrowing, Uprise, Pigsty
20.1.2008, Fléda - Brno (CZ) [ Reef ]
Napalm Death, Uprise, Ingrowing, Sanatorium, Attack of Rage
19.1.2008, Stará Pekáreň - Nitra (SK) [ Darkoldus ]
Rubufaso Mukufo (CZ), Sanatorium (SK), Uprise (CZ), Ingrowing (CZ), Napalm Death (UK)
18.1.2008, IC Culture Train - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
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