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Anstratus, Khadaver, Perversity, Pyopoesy
13.12.2013, Collosseum - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Hate Storm Annihilation (Usa), Uzziel (Aut), Nox Vorago (Swe), Vredehammer (No), Six Feet Under (Usa)
10.12.2013, Collosseum - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
European Deformity Tour II Mortally Infected, Vomitous (Swe), Putridity (Ita), Defeated Sanity (Ger)
30.11.2013, Collosseum - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Kamelot, ReVamp
22.11.2013, Majestic Music Club - Bratislava (SK) [ Jeremy ]
Children Of Bodom, Decapitated, Medeia
20.11 2013, Majestic Music Club - Bratislava (SK) [ Jeremy ]
Disgorge (Usa), Internal Bleeding (Usa), Beheaded (Mt), Morthem (At)
11.11.2013, Modrá Vopice - Praha (CZ) [ Reef ]
Brutal Assault 2013 vol. 18
Aborym, Aeternus, Alcest, Amorphis, Anthrax, Antropofagus, Atari Teenage Riot, Behemoth, Belphegor, Benediction, Biohazard, Borknagar, Brotherhood Of The Lake, Carcass, Carpathian Forest, Centurian, Clawfinger, Coffins, Contrastic, Crushing Caspars, Cult Of Luna, D.R.I., Decrepit Birth, Devildriver, Downset, Dr. Living Dead, Dying Fetus, E.N.D., Ensiferum, Entombed, Fear Factory, Fields Of The Nephilim, Glorior Belli, Gojira, Hacride, Hate, Hatebreed, Ihsahn, In Flames, Jungle Rot, Katalepsy, Killing Joke, Leprous, Loudblast, Madball, Magrudergrind, Malevolent Creation, Marduk, Meshuggah, Misanthrope, Novembers Doom, Obscura, October File, Opeth, Carcass Orphaned Land, Overkill, Primordial, Pro-pain, Rotten Sound, Saturnus, Skeletal Remains, Solefald, Sylosis, Testament, Trivium, Voivod, Vreid, War From A Harlots Mouth, We Butter The Bread With Butter, Whitechapel
7.-10.8.2013, areál Vojenské pevnosti Josefov - Jaroměř (CZ) [ Reef: první (resp. druhý) den – čtvrtek, druhý den – pátek, třetí den – sobota ]
Exhumed (Usa), Attack Of Rage, Human Humus, Systematic Damage
10.7.2013, Collosseum - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Basinfirefest 2013
27.–30.6.2013, Spálené Poříčí (CZ) [ Darkoldus ]
King Diamond
31.5.2013, NTC Aegon Arena - Bratislava (SK) [ Jeremy ]
Arakain Memorial 2013 Tour Aleš Brichta a ex-členovia Arakain, Black Bull
24.5.2013, Collosseum - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Back To The Black Tour part II. The Infinite Within, Brute, Čad, Vader
30.4.2013, Collosseum - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Emmure, Chelsea Grin, Obey The Brave, Attila, Buried In Verona
24.4.2013, Favál - Brno (CZ) [ Reef ]
Suburban Terrorist
19.4.2013, Cassbar - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Traktor, Doga, Skid Row
16.4.2013, Sportplex Arena - Frídek-Místek (CZ) [ Jeremy ]
Viscera Trail (Isr), Obnounce (Slo), Tribe
26.3.2012, Collosseum (horné pódium) - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Bonecrusher Fest 2013 Job For A Cowboy, Beneath The Massacre, War From A Harlots Mouth, Gorod, As They Burn, Make Them Suffer
21.3.2013, Melodka - Brno (CZ) [ Reef ]
Seven Kingdom, Amaranthe, Stratovarius
24.3.2013, Majestic Music Club - Bratislava (SK) [ Jeremy ]
Hellish Rock part II Helloween, Gamma Ray, Shadowside
21.3.2013, NTC Aegon Arena, Bratislava (SK) [ Jeremy ]
Castigating Europe Tour 2013 Unfathomable Ruination (GB), Beheaded (MAL), Pyrexia (USA)
11.3.2013, Collosseum - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
Straight To The Dome 2013 European Tour Don Gatto (HU), Undivided (USA), Six Reasons To Kill (GER), Pro-pain (USA)
4.3.2013, Collosseum - Košice (SK) [ Martin ]
The 69 Eyes, Feel Me
3.2.2013, MMC - Bratislava (SK) [ Jeremy ]
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