[ 1999 |
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2014 ]
Ako na to... ...ak si chces precitat reportaz, klikni na meno cloveka, ktory ju napisal. Ak chces nejakou reportazou prispiet, mas dve moznosti ako postupovat: bud mi ju mozes poslat mejlom (mozes aj s fotkami) na incipitum@incipitum.sk alebo mozes vyplnit formular po kliknuti na pridaj.
30.11.2000 Sportova hala Pasienky - Bratislava (400/440/490Sk) [ Lubos ]
Rodinna akcia 3: Ingrowing (CZ), Pathology Stench (SK), Cerebral Turbulency (CZ), Abortion (SK), Embolism (SK), CAD (SK)
25.11.2000 KD - Kanianka (okr. Prievidza), 18.00, 70Sk [ Tomas ] (foto)
Dream Theater
11.10.2000 Brumlovka - Praha [ Sveto ]
Deep Purple so symfonickym orchestrom, specialny host Ronnie James Dio
10.10.2000 Pegas Arena - Praha (20.00, 690Kc/870Sk) [ Martin Dratva,
Svetozár Styk ]
Dream Theater
20.7.2000 hala Novesta - Zlin (20.00, 490Kc) [ Sveto ]
Gamma Ray
16.7.2000 Music Land (povodne hala Novesta) - Zlin (390Kc) [ Sveto ]
Iron Maiden
6.6.2000 Amfiteater - Banska Bystrica (600Sk) [ Lubomir Pecho,
Svetozar Styk,
Martin Dratva ]
Root, Dolores
5.5.2000 DK Dubravka - Bratislava (18.00, 90Sk) [ Martin Dratva ]
Vomitory, Hate Eternal, Dark Funeral, Vader, Marduk, Cannibal Corpse, Immortal, Deicide
28.4.2000 Arena - Vieden (20.30, 360Ats) [ Majkl ]
Brainwashing Fest: Ethernal Pandemonium, Punishment, Lykathea Aflame (ex Appaling Spawn), Silent Stream Of Godless Elegy, Depresy, Sad Harmony, Stagnant, Seeds Of Sorrow, Brainbleed
8.4.2000 DK Jablonica (17.00, 90Sk) [ Golo ]
Aeneas, Crusaider, Depresy
31.3. 2000 Bratislava - DK Dubravka (18.30, 50Sk) [ jimi ]
Dorian Gray, Paranoid
3.3. 2000 Bratislava - DK Luky (19.00, 60Sk) [ jimi ]
Dark Mordor
25.2. 2000 kdesi pri Prievidzi [ Majkl ]
Scabbard, Endless, Galadriel
18.2. 2000 Bratislava - DK Vajnorska (18.00, 60Sk) [ jimi ]
Katharsis, Happy Death, Mean Geimhridh, Sine Nomine
28.1. 2000 Bratislava - DK Dubravka (18.30, 50Sk) [ Golo,
jimi ]
[ 1999 |
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2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
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2005 |
2006 |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
2014 ]