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Vegánska večera vol.11 – Greg Bennick (US)
Okrem toho, že Greg je spevákom legendárnej kapely Trial z 90. rokov (a v súčasnosti ďalšej skupiny Between Earth And Sky) je známy tiež ako aktivista, filmár a profesionálny keynote speaker. Okrem iného stál napríklad za kampaňou One Hundred For Haiti alebo filmom Flight from Death. Minulý rok Greg začal jazdiť po Spojených štátoch so svojimi spoken word vystúpeniami venovanými predovšetkým ľuďom zo subkultúrneho prostredia a tento rok prichádza s podobným konceptom aj do Európy a my budeme mať možnosť si ho vypočuť aj v bratislavskom klube Obluda. Z dôvodu tohto rozšírenia programu bude musieť byť táto vegánska večera spoplatnená, aby sme mohli uhradiť Gregove cestovné náklady. Veríme, že našich priaznivcov to neodradí a vstupné vo výške 3€ nebude v tomto prípade prekážkou v účasti. Každopádne platí klasický koncept vegánskej večere, takže od 19:00 sa spoločne navečeriame a približne o 20:30 vystúpi Greg Bennick. GREG BENNICK „USE YOUR WORDS AS WEAPONS“ SPOKEN WORD TOUR “After years of playing hardcore and punk rock, what inspires me more than anything is when we move beyond sing-alongs and stage dives, and really start to think about how the music we play can change the lives of those around us. What happens when we are willing to actually take risks? Why are we always satisfied with things remaining the same in our lives? When we find the courage to take the passion we’ve found in hardcore and share that passion with the rest of the world, that’s when life starts, and the world can really begin to change. It all starts with passion and courage.” Greg will be speaking about taking our passion into the world. Life is short and we have to take risks. Hardcore ends if we leave that passion at the door at the end of the night. We feel so alive inside when we are experiencing a show, but what happens when we leave the show at the end of the night? Is it back to the boring sameness of our day-to-day existence? Are we satisfied to let others live fully while we watch them from afar, letting our one and only life slip away heartbeat by heartbeat? The end of the night is actually is where the real work begins. Hardcore itself is intense, and real, but it’s in our everyday lives that we need that passion and intensity most. Through personal stories, tour stories, and reflections on hardcore, Greg will talk about passion inspiring not just more music, but more life. http://wordsasweapons.com VEGÁNSKE VEČERE
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